

CR-5000 Lightning



在整合高速设计所需的信息并使其通用化的同时,通过拥有相同的分析引擎,在电路设计、布局、PCB板设计中的任何一个过程中, 都可以在同样的界面参照、变更、利用和分析执行限制信息。Lightning作为一种分析环境,不仅可以进行SI分析, 也可以在布线设计过程中利用EMI、PI分析。

Intelligent Floor Planning and Simulation Environment

CR-5000 Lightning is a design environment which makes all CR-5000 design processes, from circuit design to board design, compatible with high speed design.

In addition to standardizing and integrating the constraint data necessary for high speed design, it has the same analysis engine, allowing reference to and modification, utilization and analysis of constraint data using the same user interface for all processes, including circuit design, floor planning and board design. As an analysis environment, Lightning allows EMI and power integrity analysis as well as SI analysis during routing design.
Direct analysis of critical nets which require electrical property analysis can be easily performed at any stage in the board design process.


Lightning的潜力在于电路设计阶段的验证、信号的电气特性的布局与布线,超越电路设计与PCB板设计的隔阂等智能化作用。 Lightning通过①智能化对话与自动布局布线功能模块②高精度传输线路仿真模块③强大的设计验证模块三者的组合, 适合各种用途的封装。

A Variety of Packages for Different Purposes

Lightning shows its full potential as an intelligent floor planning tool which transcends the barriers between circuit design and board design, supporting board placement and routing allowing for the electrical properties of signal timing, and verification of trade-offs at the circuit design stage. Through combinations of its three modules: (1) the floor planning module with intelligent interactive and automatic placement and routing functions, (2) the high precision transmission line simulation module, and (3) the powerful design verification module, Lightning offers a variety of packages for different purposes.